Our Provision
Our curriculum is delivered through a multi-disciplinary team with a strong emphasis on an integrated therapeutic approach so that all students have access to regular, personalised and high quality interventions and therapies to support their emotional regulation and other barriers to learning.
We provide specialised Sensory Therapists and Speech and Language Therapists to deliver specialised programmes. We also have a school counsellor, Sharon, from Kalmer Counselling to provide talking and play therapy.
We have staff trained in school to deliver therapies such as Rebound Therapy and sensory sessions in the hydrotherapy pool.
We use a therapeutic approach to music, art and drama. These are activities that are delivered by our teaching teams so that students can enjoy exploring and experiencing creative arts. Although we look to develop skills/knowledge wherever possible, the focus is on enjoyment, wellbeing and emotional regulation.
If a student’s EHCP or Health professional recommends a specific Music therapy, Art Therapy or Drama Therapy, these will be provided by appropriately qualified therapists/Allied Health Professionals (AHP).
The list below shows the range of therapeutic programmes we provide. Many will be delivered within classrooms or in our new, purpose-built Therapy and Physical Development Centre:
Sensory Occupational Therapy
Rebound Therapy
Sensory Hydrotherapy
Sensory Regulation in our Sensory Studio
Speech and Language Therapy
Talk Boost
THRIVE – 1:1 and small group/class delivery
Outdoor Learning (Forest School, OPAL)
Play based Interventions
Brick Therapy
Pet Therapy*
Music, Art & Drama for Wellbeing
Each class group is resourced and organised to meet the specific needs of the students.
Teaching Teams are allocated each year by matching skills and knowledge of the staff to the needs of the group.
The class environments reflect the needs of the students with respect to not just their need on the whole, but their specific needs as highlighted in their Personal Learning Plans.
The requirements of each individual student are determined through careful observation and assessment, as well as discussion with parents/carers and other professionals. Strong partnerships with parents mean that they are fully involved in the planning for their child on a day-today basis with class teams and parents sharing successes and areas for development.
We use Person-Centred Planning to provide specific and meaningful advice and guidance within the EHCP process.
There are many opportunities provided for students across the school to come together
through assemblies, break times, enrichment activities such as Forest School, inclusive sporting, outdoor and adventurous and physical activities, performances, interclass collaboration, shared educational visits, sports day, extra-curricular clubs and key celebratory occasions across the year as appropriate.
These are opportunities for students across the School and College to get to know each other, practicing emerging interpersonal skills (first learned in their discrete class environment) and they also strengthen the sense of whole Cedars community.