Family Liaison
Hello. We would like to introduce ourselves and explain a little about what we do here at Cedars.
Our names are Hannah Hadley, Helen Jarvis and James Jarvis. We are the Family Liaison contacts within the Services Team. We work with families and professionals ensuring Education & Health Care Plans are accurate and up to date.
But we do so much more! We liaise with health care professionals including the school nursing team, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and the teams supporting hearing and visual impairments. We also support families with social care involvement; this can include referrals to Early Help, an early intervention to support families struggling at home. Many families may have support from the Children with Disabilities Team (CWDT). We are also part of the school safeguarding team. It’s a busy but tremendously rewarding life!
There are many additional things we can do to help our families, including:
Signpost to additional organisations e.g. Autism Hub
Make referrals to external agencies e.g. CYPS, OT
Support with uniforms
Referrals to Gateshead Food Bank
Requests for funding through the Greggs Fund
Help with PIP/DLA applications
Attendance monitoring
Support for mental health
We are currently in the process of organising Family Learning Courses to be held in school. These will include art & crafts activities, internet safety, cookery classes. They will hopefully be held on a Tuesday afternoon – we’ll be back with more information soon!
If you think we can help you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch:
School: 0191 4874595
College: 0191 6913581